Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Bids Documents


Bid No ICB-001/12

The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority (ECAA) invites competent and eligible Consultants to undertake study and analysis of the prevailing situation, and identify the gaps and develop strategies and implement adaption measures that could build enhanced capacity within ECAA and combat the growing aviation demands.

  1. Interested Bidders can obtain the complete set of biding document by paying a non refundable sum of Birr 200.00/Two Hundred Birr/ from ECAA head office room No 16 during working hours.
  2. All sealed Bids must be deposited in the tender box prepared for this purpose or Mailed to the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority P.O.Box: 978 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Fax 251 11 665 02 81 on or before closing date & time.
  3. The amount of Bid bound is 10,000.00 Birr or any equivalent currency easily convertible to Ethiopian birr. In the form of cash or Bank guarantee or C.P.O.
  4. Bides will be closed on November 07, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. and will be opened in ECAA head office room No 18, in the presence of interested bidders and/or their official representatives, who wishes to attend the opening ceremony, on November 07, 2019 at 2:30 P.M.
  5. The Consultant should prepare and submit technical & financial proposal in separate envelopes. The technical proposal must be clear adhering to the timeframe defined in the bid document.
  6. Bidders Must Sign & Seal all bid documents including anti bribery pledge form which is attached with bid document & submit with original technical bid documents.
  7. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Address፡- around Bole International Airport, In front of Ethiopian Airports Enterprise Head office


Around Bole International Airport, In front of Ethiopian Airports Enterprise Head office

Further Information:-

Call: 0116 650227 or 0116 650200 Extension 208 and 116