Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Aviation Regulation

The Aviation Regulation Directorate is one of the two major core areas responsible to discharge the regulatory duties of Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority (ECAA).

Air Navigation Services

The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority’s Air Navigation Services Directorate has gone through difficult and at times turbulent situations..

Air Transport Development Expansion Directorate

Create conducive air transport economic regulatory environment that ensures progressive change towards market access, effective and sustained service as well...

Support Services

The Directorate is responsible for all Human Resources, Financial, Legal, Information communication Technology, Public Relations and Transport and maintenance..

Message of the Director

It is a particular honor for me to welcome you all-ECAA website visitors, to take a look at our recently revised website that displays the overall picture of the Authority. Ethiopia is one of the countries which commenced air transport service earlier in the world. In addition to the National carrier, private air operators are currently engaged in aviation consulting, training and flight services. 

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti.

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