Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 

Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. 


Personnel Licensing

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Air Worthiness

Airworthiness directorate Issues:

1.0 Certificate of Airworthiness

A Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) is required for the aircraft as an attestation that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with an approved aircraft maintenance program, and is in compliance with applicable airworthiness and safety requirements as stipulated in the Ethiopian Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Rules and Standards.

In addition, the aircraft must have a type certificate that has been accepted by the Authority in accordance with the Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Rules and Standards.

Types of  certificates issued by ECAA Airworthiness:


Types of  certificates

Applicable  forms


A certificate of airworthiness



A certificate of Registration



AMO Certificate



A special flight permit



Export certificate of airworthiness



Noise Certificate



2.0 Certificate of Registration ( C of R )

A person shall not operate an aircraft, as classified in the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Rules and Standards (ECARAS) Part 4- Aircraft Registration and Marking Regulation, within or fly over Ethiopia unless—

  • For an aircraft eligible for registration under the laws of Ethiopia, the aircraft has been registered by the operator or its owner in accordance with these Regulations and the Authority has issued a certificate of registration for that aircraft which shall be carried aboard that aircraft for all operations; or
  • It is registered in—
    • A contracting State to the Convention on International Civil Aviation; or
    • Some other State in relation to which there is in force an agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the Government of that State which makes provisions for the flight over Ethiopia of aircraft registered in that State

3.0 Approved Maintenance Organization Certificate

The Authority certificate all organizations that intends to provide services to an owner and/or operator of a Ethiopian registered aircraft in accordance with the ECARAS Part 6 Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) regulations.

For more information, please refer to;

  • The Civil Aviation Rules and Standards Part 6.
  • Advisory Circular on Five Phase Certification Process

4.0 Special Flight Permit Certificate

The Authority may issue a special flight permit for an aircraft that is capable of safe flight but unable to meet applicable airworthiness requirements for the purpose of:

  • Flying to a base where weighing, painting, repairs, modifications, maintenance or inspections are to be performed or to a point of storage;
  • Flying for the purpose of experimenting with or testing the aircraft including its engines and equipment;
  • Flying for the purpose of qualifying for the issue, renewal or validation of certificate of airworthiness or restricted certificate of airworthiness and the approval of a modification of the aircraft;
  • Delivering or exporting the aircraft;
  • Evacuating aircraft from areas of impending danger; and
  • Operating at mass in excess of the aircraft’s maximum certified take-off mass for flight beyond normal range over water or land areas where adequate landing facilities or appropriate fuel are unavailable with the excess mass limited to additional fuel, fuel-carrying facilities and navigation equipment necessary for the flight.

5.0 Export certificate of airworthiness

(a) The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority when intending to issue an Export Certificate of Airworthiness will follow closely the procedures required to be followed for the renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness and any applicable requirements specified by the importing State.

(b) The depth to which the Aircraft Registration and Airworthiness Certification Directorate wishes to apply these procedures will however depend to a large extent on how recent its involvement with the aircraft in question has been.

(c) The records to be produced may also be restricted to those covering maintenance performed since the Authority last carried out an inspection on the aircraft.

6.0 Noise Certificate

The Authority issues Noise Certificate based on the manufacturer’s noise certification. The Authority does not perform further tests in this regard.

Notes: 1. To apply for any Certificate Issue or Renewal, please complete the respective form and submit to the Authority.

             2. The applicable fees are prescribed in ECAA Chapter 10 Fees and Charges document.

3. Any subsequent manual amendments shall be approved by the Authority prior to use.

4. You can contact us via email at