The Ground Instructor license allows the holder to offer various kinds of ground instruction required of those seeking pilot licenses and ratings. They are issued with ratings, and these determine the exact areas in which the holder may give instruction.

Requirements for the Issue of a Ground Instructor’s Rating

An applicant for a ground instructor license shall;

  1. Be at least eighteen years of age;
  2. Demonstrates the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance with the language proficiency requirements and obtain either of the following ratings;
    1. Operational Level (Level 4); Valid for 3 years
    2. Extended Level (Level 5); Valid for 6 years
    3. Expert Level (Level 6); Valid for Life
  3. Pass a knowledge test on the fundamentals of instructing.
    • The knowledge test results for a ground instructor license shall be valid for eighteen months after passing the examination.
  4. The knowledge test specified above is not required if the applicant holds a flight instructor rating.
  5. Pass a knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas specified in PPL, CPL and ATPL.
  6. A ground instructor license shall be issued with either one of the following ratings;
    1. Basic;
    2. Advanced;
    3. Instrument; or
    4. Basic and Instrument
    5. Advanced and Instrument
  7. For an applicant for a ground instructor license to acquire the above ratings, he or she is required to hold or have held a Commercial Pilot License or Airline Transport Pilot License (i.e. these licenses could be valid or expired) as appropriate.
  8. If an applicant does not hold the above licenses, then he/she should pass the following—
    1. Basic ground instructor rating; aeronautical knowledge requirements for Commercial Pilot License
    2. Advanced ground instructor rating; aeronautical knowledge requirements for Airline Transport Pilot License
    3. Instrument ground instructor rating; meet the requirements of either (i) or (ii)
    4. Be a holder of a valid instrument rating

Application requirements;

  1. A duly filled application form.
  2. A professional certificate from an ATO.
  3. Any previously held license (CPL/ATPL).
  4. Payment of Prescribed fees (To be added later)
Renewal of the Ground Instructor License
  1. A duly filled application form
  2. A holder of a ground instructor license shall not perform the duties of a ground instructor unless within the twelve preceding months the person has served for three months as a ground instructor. This will be substantiated by a letter from the ATO where the Ground Instructor Tutors.
  3. Payment of Prescribed fees.